Principle of Aiki and its Application in Aikido and Aikijujutsu

Principle of Aiki and its Application in Aikido and Aikijujutsu


Ryote Dori

Tan suwari waza kokyu ho with variations

The application of Aiki in the technique demonstrated is analysed below.


In this video a number of techniques are demonstrated where Uke attacks by grasping both of Tori's wrists when both are kneeling. As Tori's wrists are simply being held, moving them will induce Uke to momentarily relax her arms to allow her to reposition her body to resist the movement by pulling or pushing. But as Uke relaxes her arms, Tori induces Uke to apply Aiki by rotating his wrists, so that Uke must reverse the muscle torque about of one her joints to remain in contact with Tori's wrists as she pulls or pushes. This action unbalances Uke. For each of the techniques demonstrated the muscle torque that is reversed when Uke pulls or pushes is listed below:-  Aiki-Lead

Neutral Grip - Uke reverses the muscle torque about her waist joint, by bending forward, when she pulls
Grip from Below - Uke reverses the muscle torque about her waist joint, by bending forward, when she pulls
Grip from Above - Uke rotates the muscle torque about her knee joint, by rising, when she pulls
Strong Neutral Grip - Uke reverses the muscle torque about her waist joint, by leaning backwards, when she pushes

Morihiro Saito Sensei. Ryote Dori

The application of Aiki in the technique demonstrated Morihiro Saito is analysed below.


The techniques demonstrated for the first two minutes of this video all involve Tori stepping to the side of Uke's front leg whilst extending his arm on the same side. This movement of Uke's wrist to the side induces Uke to momentarily relax his arms/upper-body so as to reposition his body to resist this sideways movement by pulling back using the muscle torque about his ankle joint. Uke's arm is therefore extended to the side.

Whilst Uke's arms are relaxed, Tori crosses over his other arm to grasp Uke's extended arm at the wrist. As Tori crosses his arm over, Uke's wrist holding this arm is then bent backwards. This action induces Uke to apply Aiki by reversing the muscle torque about his ankle joint, in order to retain his grip on Tori's wrist as it crosses over. Consequently, Uke becomes unbalanced as he pulls back. Aiki-Lead

Morihiro Saito Sensei Ushiro Ryote Dori

The application of Aiki in the technique demonstrated by Morihiro Saito is analysed below.


In the techniques shown in this video Uke restrains Tori's wrists from the rear. Tori induces Uke to apply Aiki by slightly lowering his body/wrists as he bends his arms to the front. This action induces Uke to momentarily relax his upper body and to extend his legs in preparation to push upwards against Tori's wrists. Pushing upwards causes the muscle torque about the foot joint of Uke's front foot to be in the opposite direction to that required for Uke to resist Tori pulling him to the front. Uke is unbalanced to the front. Aiki-Lead

Highlights of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu instructional video by Katsuyuki Kondo, Menkyo Kaiden

The application of Aiki in the technique demonstrated by Katsuyuki Kondo is analysed below.


At a time of 1.43 Uke comes to grab Tori's wrists. Tori moves his wrists forward to induce Uke to place his leading foot on the ground. Tori then induces Uke to apply Aiki, to unbalance Uke, by withdrawing his wrists, just as Uke is closing his grip. This action induces Uke to reverse the muscle torque about the ankle joint of his leading leg so that he can follow Tori's wrists and grab them. Uke is then unbalanced by his forward momentum. Aiki-Feint
Alun Harris
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