Principle of Aiki and its Application in Aikido and Aikijujutsu

Principle of Aiki and its Application in Aikido and Aikijujutsu


Moriteru Ueshiba

Excellent Aikido Demonstration Ueshiba Moriteru Doshu

The application of Aiki in the techniques demonstrated by Moriteru Ueshiba is analysed below.


In this video between the times 2.13 to 4.22, 5.39 to 5.51 and 6.32 to 7.10 Tori applies Aiki by first offering the target to Uke and then, as Uke steps forward to make contact, he withdraws the target. This induces Uke to reverse the muscle torque about the ankle joint of his front foot to maintain his forward momentum to follow the target. This action unbalances Uke to the front. Aiki-Feint


At the time 4.26, Tori blocks Uke's overhead strike. Tori induces Uke to apply Aiki by Tori applying upward pressure, with his thumb, to a pressure point just above Uke's elbow joint to unbalance Uke to the rear. The effect of Tori applying pressure to Uke's pressure point is to induce Uke to reverse the muscle torque about the knee joint of his rear leg as he pushes, causing Uke to become unbalanced to the rear. Aiki-Lead


At the time 4.32 Tori blocks Uke's strike with his left arm. On contact between Tori's and Uke's raised arms, Tori applies Aiki, by vertically rotating the contact point about his left shoulder joint so as to unbalance Uke to the front. Tori does this by reversing the muscle torque about his left shoulder joint so as not to balance the rotational component of Uke's pushing force to the front. Aiki-Parry


At a time of 4.45 Uke steps forward to grab Tori's upper arm. Tori responds by applying an upward atemi to Uke's face with his left arm.  The upward atemi induces Uke to apply Aiki by reversing the muscle torque about the knee joint of his rear foot in an attempt to move his head upwards to reduce the impact of the atemi. This action unbalances Uke to the front by his own forward momentum. Aiki-Feint


At a time of 5.52 Uke steps forward to apply an overhead strike with the jo. Tori responds by stepping forward and turning to the side to apply an atemi to Uke's stomach.  The atemi induces Uke to apply Aiki by reversing the muscle torque about the foot joint of his front foot in an attempt to move his body upwards to reduce the impact of the atemi. This action unbalances Uke to the front by his own forward momentum. Aiki-Feint


At a time 6.22 Uke attacks by thrusting the jo towards Tori's stomach. Tori steps forward and turns to apply an atemi to Uke's back. The atemi induces Uke to apply Aiki by reversing the muscle torque about the ankle joint of his front foot so as to reduce the impact of the atemi by maintaining his forward momentum. Uke is then unbalanced to the front by his own forward momentum. Aiki-Feint


At a time of 7.29 the two Ukes hold Tori's wrists and upper body. Tori induces both Ukes to apply Aiki by first lowering his body and then moving his body/wrists to the front. Tori's downward movement induces Uke to momentarily relax his upper body and to prepare his lower body to push upwards by extending his legs. Consequently, the muscle torque about Uke's foot joints, due to him extending his legs, are in the opposite direction to that required to resist Tori moving his body/wrists to the front. Ukes is unbalanced to the front. Aiki-Lead
Alun Harris
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